The Classics Coffee Co.

1968: Peru

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Certification/Grading: FT, Organic

Roast: Medium

Tasting Profile: Salted caramel, silky sweet, citrus

Grower: Cooperativa Agricola de Servicisios Norandino

Variety: Caturra, Bourpon, Catuai, Pache, & Catimor

Region: Piura, Amazonas, Peru

Altitude: 1100-1700 M

Soil Type: Clay Minerals

Process: Gully washed and dried in the sun.


Did You Know? After a military coup in 1968, the Peru government determined that rock music was alienating and banned certain rock bands from playing at certain venues in Peru. This ban included a highly-anticipated Santana concert in 1971 that was automatically canceled. However, that didn't stop rock music from being released but without the support of mainstream radio and tv support, it lead to an 'underground' rock scene throughout the 70s and early 80s. Eventually, rock music in Peru couldn't be contained and even influenced many Peruvian rock bands and music genres today!